Saturday, August 4, 2007

Copter Crash coming in the film

I spotted this prop for the movie on the way home...

More Wells Street film equipment

Equipment parked along Wells Street

Some cool pics at other sites on Dark Knight 2008

Images From Dark Night


Discussion forums on message board

Dark Knight Trailer Teaser

/Film article on Dark Knight

***The official web site***

Could this be where they're hiding the Batride?

Good ol' Harry's Hot Dogs - Bat Chow Deluxe!

Gotham City PD Squad Car

Filming 08/04/07

Here's a shot of the crew filming - I tried to get closer but security saw the camera and started yelling, so I backed off and took the shot at a respectable distance. I think the un-written rule is, if you're not close enough to get a scene from the movie in progress, it's OK.

I don't buy it - but Bruce Wayne's ride?

I'm having a hard time believing this is the new Batmobile. It's too out in the public, even with the wrapper on. Could it be Bruce Wayne's car?

Friday, August 3, 2007